Computer modeling has been used to propose that the so-called Sarcophogus (coffer for short) in the King Chamber of the Great Pyramid contains the elements of mathematical communication designed into its various measurements.  There is substantial argument produced herein to suggest the coffer represents mathematical and construction knowhow.  Not only are there complex mathematical relationships, but it also utilizes stonework of unbelievable accuracies that are easily seen once the design criteria have been established.




Almost everyone who visits the Giza Pyramids, or reads about them, realizes that these are truly amazing structural creations. In the early 1880’s Sir Flinders Petrie spent two years of his life surveying and very carefully measuring various aspects of the Giza Complex.  He was knighted for his outstanding efforts.  He was truly “inspired” to make such incredibly thorough and complete measurements that nobody has since come close to even equaling his efforts.


However, Sir Petrie’s later book editions (a summary without mathematical details) completely left out the details on measuring the coffer and most folks are not aware of the broad statistical nature of his measurements.  The four basic dimensions widely quoted represent some 681 separate measurements at six inch intervals.  These details clearly show topographical patterns on each of the surfaces to the experienced eye. Misunderstanding of Sir Petrie’s methods caused some to question his measurement accuracy.


My meager efforts consist primarily of using his detailed measurements, and those of a few others, in modern computer models. The computer allows millions of trial-and-error calculations in seconds.  It further provides sufficient decimal digits to allow the discovery of “numeric patterns” in these calculations.


Just one of several examples of Ancient Intelligence comes from this so-called coffer in the upper chamber.  The initial six-ton, hard granite rock was carved into the shape of a sharp-cornered, rectangular bathtub. The surface preparation is typically beyond most people’s ability to fully appreciate.


                           PETRIE THE MEASURIST


Sir Flinders Petrie realized all this and set up an extremely appropriate system of measurement. He built a stable wooden frame and from this suspended plumbobs all around the internal and external surfaces.  We still use this technique in modern archeological excavations. Below is a cross-section showing just a portion of the measurements at a given elevation.

In reality, none of Sir Petrie’s four basic dimensions used herein represent a particular place on the coffer.  They collectively represent a “design criteria” for a “mean” coffer model. The difference in overall outside length measured at A-A versus B-B above might be ½ inch or more depending on elevation.

This approach separates the “scientific investigator” from the “non-scientific interest”. The message of the coffer appears to be very scientifically based and likely will require that approach for complete decoding.

The Sir Flinders Petrie approach minimizes errors by making any given measurement a mere fraction of the total effort.  The overall outcome is easily reproduced by multiple investigators, while a single measurement will vary with each person’s measuring skills.  If the designer was going to send a message, it would have to be sent in this manner.


            The four basic mean dimensions (Petrie 1883) are given below to two decimals of an inch. (OL= outside Length, OW = outside width, IL = inside length, and IW= inside width, all in inches as measured by Petrie)


                        89.62(OL) x 38.5(OW)  = outside floor area

                        78.06(IL) x 26.81(IW) = inside  floor area

Ratio of outside/inside areas   = OL x OW / (IL x IW)

 inches2 / inches2     = no units   = 1.6487


Now recall the number natural log “E” = 2.71828… from pre-highschool algebra.  The square root of “E” is 1.6487.

             Ö2.71828 = 1.6487

 The chance of “1.6487” happening by randomly selecting any set of four “4 digit numbers” is pretty miniscule based on a computer program which actually calculated all possible values of the resulting ratio. Note too that this same answer would result whether the measurements were made in inches, feet, meters or camel hairs because the units cancel each other out.

One does not need a thorough understanding of logarithms or the uses of natural log E.  All that is necessary is to know that this number is very important in all of modern science.  What is this important technical number doing in the midst of a very important artifact from ancient times?


The question now comes to mind.  If it is very unlikely for such a number to occur randomly, just how could it have occurred, because it did happen and is repeatable even today? 


If today we thought our entire civilization would come to an end and wanted to leave a message for some future intelligence, perhaps this number would be a good way to capture their initial attention.  From that point, we could develop other bits and pieces until a full one way communication was probable.


            However, if the ratio given above truly was “designed” and not just an accident, we might then expect to discover other ratios. In other words, nobody would likely leave just a “business card” and hope the future would be able to define the meaning.  There absolutely would have to be other such relationships for this theory to take serious root.





Material as old as the Rhind Papyrus demonstrates Ancient Egyptian mathematical techniques.  In our haste to dub the techniques of these ancient folks inferior to modern methods, we have routinely made remarks about their use of a doubling technique for “rudimentary” accomplishing of our modern methods of multiplication.  We did not stop to think that their methods might be superior in many other considerations and perhaps multiplication is a shortcut that dulls our senses to many other advantages and deeper understanding.


The modeling effort seems to indicate that routine doubling or halving of numbers increases the overall spectrum of a number and allows the discovery of simple relationships.  It appears that Pythagoras attributed something like a “personality” to numbers and something of that nature can be seen in “digital linkage” within the symmetry of certain number systems. For certain Mother Nature uses sequencing in DNA molecules.

For this article we shall describe doubling and halving simply as it sounds.  The number “440” can be doubled to 880, 1760, etc and can be halved to 220, 110, etc.  These particular examples are musical “A” notes depicting the primary human vocal range.  Therefore, just for starters we see an “expansion” of our focus to link music more directly with mathematics.

Starting with the mean outside measurements, we see the outside width divided by the outside length, and then doubled twice, gives:

OW/OL  x 2 x 2 = 38.5/89.62 x 2 x 2

= 1.71836
                                                THE POWER OF “A”

We shall see that the natural log “E” consists of two parts, namely “1” and the sum of a factorial series that we call “A” = 1.71828.. which rounds to 1.7183 and 1 + 1.7183 = 2.7183. “A” is the intelligent portion of Natural Log E.  

“A” is mathematically generated in the simple series which you don’t need to understand nor memorize:


   A =  1 /1   +    1 /(2x1)   +     1/(3x2x1)   +  1/(4x3x2x1)    etc

    = 1.718281828459045235360287471352662497757……

but here written 1.71828 for short.

            The point here is not to force the non-technical reader into serious mathematics.  It is to demonstrate that this is not currently a number our modern technology has brought into serious focus. Also that it is not a routine number we would expect ancient tomb builders to be using. So just what is it doing here in this ancient artifact?

These two number occurrences should at least tweak our interest. The chance of both “the square root of E and the factorial portion of E” coming from these coffer “statistically measured” ratios on a random basis is so low one can forget about random occurrence.

Once again this is a dimensionless ratio, so no matter with what units the coffer is measured, the same ratios result. If one were to “design” a means to gain the attention of serious researchers, this would be a good way to improve the odds of discovery.


            Let us sum the inside length and outside width:

78.06(IL) + 38.50 (OW) = 116.56   this number appears throughout the Great Pyramid internal dimensions. It must have some important contribution.

Taking heed from the previous two relationships, but in reverse order, the number above is divided by 2, twice, then the square root taken and finally divided by Pi.


Ö(116.56/2/2)        / Pi = 1.71828 

Now, considering all three relationships collectively, we now have a random chance of perhaps 1 in trillions.  This seems rather a remote chance of being an accident.  Furthermore, each of the three relationships involves the same important number series, namely “A = 1.71828”.

            Does this seem sort of complicated?  It is not for someone who really wants to understand something as incredibly important as a message from an advanced intelligence.  But one must consider that this intelligence may not want to communicate to someone who is impatient.  It is for the people who have faith and believe there is something to be gained from the study. It is, perhaps, the natural feelings that people who visit the pyramids come away with and don’t know why or where it came from.


                        COFFER HEIGHTS ARE ALL “A’s”

 total height = 24 x A
 lip height    = 1 x A
 base height= 4 x A


The coffer outside model height is 24 x “A” total.  The height from floor to inside bottom is 4 x “A”.  The height of the lip is “A”. These differ from Petrie a little more than other measurements because the top of the coffer is so badly damaged and he had to estimate for lost material.

Continuing to examine the remaining wall thickness with equal care,  10/ “A” is the west wall thickness and 33 x “A/10” for the north wall thickness. These projections are exceptionally close to Petrie’s statistical mean measurements.

                                     THE COMPUTER SOLUTION

At this point we have Petrie’s measurements which may provide statistically accurate data to about 3 or 4 digits of accuracy.  But with the hint from the heights that “exact values” could be represented, one might consider “what if” the coffer represents a “design model” which could be solved exactly with mathematics.

In other words, if we have three formulae which very closely define a constant, at what point do we “take the hint” and set these formulae exactly equal to the constant and try to solve for an exact solution instead of relying upon measurements.  In such a solution, the measurements of the coffer would be replaced with “exact and precise” numbers representing a “model”.

There are four basic dimensions which we would like to know with exactness.  There are three relationships described above.  From mathematics, we know with four independent relationships, we can normally solve for all four dimensions of such a model.

The diagram below summarizes the “highly suspected” three relationships and allows us to see if there is one or more exact solutions.  The solution should hit all four dimensions as measured by Petrie within the margin of error of his measurements.  Hopefully, there will be something else to tell us that we have at least one of the solutions the designer had in mind for us to find.

The three relationships suggested by measurements:


1)         OL /IL x OW /IW =    ÖE       

           2)           OW/OL x 4    = A = 1.71828…

3)       sqrt(( OW + IL) /4) / pi  = A = 1.71828…

In a computer program, we can let each of the four major dimensions (OL, OW, IL, IW) vary a little within the likely statistical measurement error and see if one more “relationship of A” turns up in billions of calculations.  This computer effort was far more complex than brief words can explain, so I will not attempt to detail it here.


After grinding out a bunch of numbers a fourth relationship was found to be involved with the “difference” between the outside length and inside length. The Petrie dimensions are 89.62 - 78.06 = 11.56. The computer model dimensions adjust this number to  11.56171828 which is (1.7*2)2  + “A”/1000.

OL - IL = (1.7*2)2 + A /1000

            Using these four “A” relationships provides at least one solution for all “model” dimensions to unlimited significant digits when combined with the two “thickness relationships”.

            NT = 33 x A /10 NORTH WALL THICKNESS

       WT = 10 / A     WEST WALL THICKNESS

            ST  = OL – IL – NT   SOUTH WALL THICKNESS


Table I summarizes the computer model output to calculator accuracies.  See also Figure 1 appended.

TABLE I. Coffer Model Dimensions

            Model                     Petrie  Difference

Outside length      = 89.622338825                    89.62     .002338825

Inside length         = 78.060620543                    78.06     .000620543

Length Difference = 11.561718282                  11.56     .001718283

Outside width       = 38.499109057                    38.50     .000890940

Inside width         = 26.809438129                     26.81     .000561870

Width Difference  = 11.689670928                   11.69      .000329070

North Thick.         =  5.670330034                      5.67      .000330034

East Thick            =  5.869903859                        5.87      .000096141

South Thick.        =  5.891388248                       5.89      .001388248

West Thick.          =  5.819767069                      5.82      .000232930


Overall height = 24 x “A”  = 41.23876387            41.31   

Base height    = 4 x “A”   =  6.873127312 6.89

Inside height  = 20 x “A”  = 34.36563656           34.42

Lip height     = 1 x “A”   =  1.718281828               1.7


(see also Figure 1 “Model Coffer Dimensions”)

             The compound use of “A” in the determination of all dimensions is a strong indication that the “designer” wanted to call attention to this very important number. “A” is already known to be the foundation for much of our modern science and mathematics, when combined with “1” to make natural log “E”.  It will further be shown to be instrumental in music and perhaps in fundamental brainwaves. For certain it is fundamental to all electron emission spectra covered elsewhere.


There are other reasons to think this model output has overall significance.  Look at some of the following numbers and see if they suggest anything to you. View these as “puzzles” and not calculations. One must look for repeating numbers, sequences, reversals and particularly “mirror-like”  structures such as “12321” or “1234…88-9-88…4321”.  Perhaps you will see some that are not listed. Remember that this may be like “breaking a code” and only revealed to the faithful and those that pursue with due diligence.

The product of outside volume times inside volume uses all six basic dimensions. 

OL x OW x OH x IL x IW x IH =10233323323.3

Most can see the interlocking symmetry in “23332” and “33233233” without much difficulty. The probability of such symmetry occurring in random numbers is extremely low.  One must consider not only the repetitive nature, but the sequential nature of 2 followed by 3 and vice versa to calculate the accurate probability of occurrence.

33233233 1/32 = 1.718102792

The significance of the above relationship will be covered in subsequent articles. For now, perhaps there is some subtle “beauty” in “3-32-3-32-33” taken to the 1/32 power.  The scientist will find a different beauty when the entire range of subatomic nature is linked. 

Perhaps most folks ran across the mass of a neutron in high school chemistry and physics as something like 1.67492716 x 10-24.  The extremely small nature would cause many folks to just “move on” without gaining a “feel for the neutron”.  But if we press the square root key seven times, it becomes 0.652003562 which seems more tangible.  If we continue by multiplying by 103/2 and dividing by 12, we get 1.718180248 which should now pique our attention in line with what else has already been presented. More on this will be provided later.

The outside volume times the inside area is

OL x OW x OH x IL x IW = 297777790

The symmetry in both numbers does continue far beyond these digits, but  until one learns how to read symmetry, the complexities might detract from this simple numeric beauty. These can be checked on a typical calculator and may be designed to “capture initial attention”. Using something like Microsoft Mathematics can yield much longer sequences. The normal calculating mode of most computer languages is 8 digits with 16 allowed on double precision mode. Working with MathCAD one has almost unlimited range up to 250 digits. Something like 1 / 127 is amazing that it repeats every 42 digits. For now it just seems like numerical artwork and nothing practical has been discovered. If the coffer design is intended to produce these sequences, it must be important.

Forgetting decimals, the inside volume is:

IL x IW x IH = 71-91-90-76-89-88-(5694-314-5693).

  One can easily see the sequence “91-90-89-88”? How about the sequential “5694…5693” with Pi in between?  It could be random for any given single number, but the overall pattern of numbers seems quite “planned” or “designed” ……as if a puzzle waiting an “awakening”.

The inside area times the height of the lip is the string:


One can see the mirror “359-5-953”?  How about the sequence “2847…2846” with Pi/2 between? The sequence “84-4-94” would be read “48-4-49” by reversing the last two digits which was not uncommon in Ancient Egyptian writing. On an individual basis, these numbers have no statistical significance.  But collectively, they do.  It particularly becomes significant when this type of system is seen throughout the Giza Complex.


There is more symmetry in the various combinations of the coffer model dimensions than one can imagine.  Any one of these numbers is very unlikely to occur randomly, let alone the several dozen or so that have been found so far. One concern is that the 1.71828..1828.. may contribute to the symmetry.


There is the essence of a “Mathematical Language” contained in the symmetry of the digits. It seems to provide hints and curiosities until the real relationship shows up. In computer lingo, it is a “self-extracting file”.  For example, when you put the CD for new software into your drive and the setup software analyzes all your computer hardware and software and automatically makes it work best for you.  And sometimes, it really does work.J

            The key to further understanding in the Great Pyramid seems to be the number 1.71828.  A ten digit calculator display is just not quite enough to be able to see these huge “mirror-like” structures.  The Giza Complex shouts at us to give “A” closer examination. But meaningful progress comes only for those willing to put out substantial extra effort.


The designer’s ability to carve out complex topographical features on each of the coffer surfaces and have the “mean” dimensions still provide such “relationships of A” is far beyond our current typical practice. It is questionable whether we could gain the smoothness on perfectly flat surfaces let alone complex very slightly curved surfaces.

            There are other aspects to the coffer design which clearly set it aside as a “designed shape”.  The outside topographical pattern is definitely designed and not the result of random polishing. It appears to mimic “coupling surface adjustments” in modern industrial microwave baking.

The surface polish is flat to 1/10,000th inch in places.  To attain this level of smoothness in an overall curved surface is most difficult. This is a very precise 6 ton rock which could not likely be duplicated even today using computer programmed stone grinding equipment.


When Sir Flinders Petrie had measured enough chambers, he concluded the Ancient Egyptian cubit was 20.62 +/- .004 inches (Petrie 1883). From the modeling it appears that the cubit was meant to be exactly 12 x “A” = 20.61938 1941…  inches, which you can see is about .0006180 inch from Petrie’s determination and well within his estimated tolerance.


There are some special reasons for the Ancient Intelligence to be calling attention to “A”=1.71828 and multiples of 12 and 256 collectively. Let us first draw a very intriguing example from modern times to show how the three numbers (“A”, “12 x A”, and “256 x A”) can work together in real life.

Pretend that our musical world had standardized on Concert A = 256 x “A” =439.880148 cycles per second instead of the round number “Concert A = 440” cps (even tuning forks for Concert A can range from 439.9 to 440.1).  This would mean all musical tuning would have the exact same foundation as many scientific relationships.  It would mean that “A = 1.71828..cps” is an exact “A note”, hence why it was named “A”. Our existing tuning makes 1.71875 the low “A” note, which is not a great deal different. It is 55/32 or 55 halved 5 times where 55 is 3 octaves below 440 cps.

 This “basic A” just happens, however, to be too low in pitch to hear via our ears alone. But we do not hear by our ears alone.

We can sense this same note in the “A rhythm” in many songs such as “America the Beautiful” and songs with a “marching” or popular dancing rhythm. We hear, or sense, the pitch by sensing the pulsating rhythm in the music.  It comes from the percussion instruments and the musical talent of the composer in the score. The good musical artist gets “in tune” with the composer when the rhythm is in synch with the tuning of the instrument or voice.  This is why rhythm is poorly defined in the musical score (the performing directions). It allows artistic interpretation. For example, the artist can synchronize the rhythm with his/her particular vocal vibrato. They do this without ever knowing it.  It just sounds better as the rhythm bounces around in their skull. J

Typically, music rhythms are given in “beats per minute” so 1.71828cps x 60 = 103.09 beats per minute, roughly a popular dancing rhythm in disco atmospheres.

Continuing the musical analogy, there is a low bass note that is a particularly great harmonic with any “A note”.  It is “12 x A” cps and just happens to be called “low bass E”.  This makes the “cubit frequency” a fundamental contributor to bass music.  These bass notes are often plucked in harmonic rhythm with the whole song rhythm. This again makes rhythms within rhythms.

So we see that each of the three numbers, “A”, “12 x A” and “256 x A” play important roles in music and do it collectively through rhythm, bass and tuning. Note I have selected colors red, green and blue to symbolize this “blending” of frequencies to make “white light”.

It is too early to have any certainty, but it may be that the basic brain waves are also “tuned” to this “basic A” whether 1.71828 or 1.71875.  The difference is only important to mathematical solutions and is too slight for our typical ears to detect even if at an octave frequency we could hear.

                                    LEARNING BY EXAMPLE

Now, let us see if the coffer puzzle and this musical analogy could provide insight into anything important to science.  In the computer modeling of other aspects of the Giza Complex, the speed of light was found to be extremely important.  So much so that a “relationship” was needed with more significant digits to check out patterns beyond what the use of the standard nine digits in 299,792,458 meters per second could provide.

Using techniques from the Ancient Intelligence,   the following equation was found which is called the “symbolic light speed (SLS)”.  It uses the three musical analogies from above:

SLS = 230 / ( [(50+7)/50 + 1/{A x (12xA) x (256xA)}]  x Pi)

                     = 299,792,457.64948….

which rounds to the 299,792,458 m/s standard adopted around the entire world. There is nothing in the equation that is not emphasized in Ancient Knowhow.  The “50” and “7” are both sacred numbers.  The 230 is simply “doubling 30 times”.

No claim is made that it might in fact be a more accurate value for the speed of light or for the conversion of matter into energy. For now, it just might be another key to understanding the pyramid that will be used in subsequent modeling. Note we have in a sense “graduated” from the class in Ancient Knowhow and now have a very scientific number based only on real numbers without dependence on any measurements.

            If this formula turns out to be important towards better understanding of the universe, then the Pyramid Designer will have been successful with the coffer as a “training tool”.  Not only is the coffer a beautifully constructed piece of artwork, it is also a mathematical beauty. And it is only the very tip of the iceberg.


THE COFFER REFLECTS ANCIENT KNOWHOW                                       

It is very clear that these mathematical relationships of A  actually exist in the statistical measurements of the coffer.  The question can only be whether it was an accident or part of a design. The answer to this question seems “designed”. This issue is further addressed in other areas of the Giza Complex.  Computer modeling finds a very consistent path and information is revealed that is currently unknown, but obviously true. (see subsequent articles)


            A model constructed around these “relationships of A” produces very unusual symmetry in common geometric terms such as volume, area and perimeter.  The combinations of these terms provides even greater symmetry which has extremely low probability of occurring randomly.


            The final case for the argument for ancient intelligence in the coffer design is that it appears to suggest a “Mathematical Language”.  One can use the techniques and structure of this language to find relationships such as was done here with the single example of “symbolic light speed”.  These “symbolic hints” may ultimately point to final relationships if these, in fact, are not more than symbolic. The elements of this language were used to find the coffer model solution.

Jim Branson
<knowhow at ctcweb dot net





1. Petrie, Sir Flanders. 1883. “The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh”, First Edition.
